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FREE Quick Access

If you want to try to check navigation, data points availability for 1 or 2 countries though all functionality is not available, then this option is good for you

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FREE Proof of Concept (Pilot)

Whether you’re looking for a strategic Regulatory intelligence platform or to support a particular process, a Pilot is the logical first step.

Getting a free Vistaar Pilot doesn’t have to take a lot of your time. You’ll need to invest as little as a few minutes to send us your wish list or brief requirements list or a workflow diagram, or you can develop and send us a full requirements document.

What we’ll deliver:

  • A fully functional, near production-ready solution with supporting reports
  • 7 days of unlimited usage, hosted on our cloud servers
  • Open few countries full data for you to test and
  • An iteration session where we present the solution and, if we missed something, make changes

What we’ll demonstrate:

  • A fast, cost-effective way for you to benefit from Regulatory Intelligence
  • An application configured your business’ processes, and requirements
  • Our product delivery and customer support capabilities
